วันพุธที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Hi, just looking for some healthy meal ideas for my toddler.?

His not picky at all and eats pretty much anything. Looking for any healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks. Thanks:)

My daughter loves the following:

1. Eggs and rice. I just cook a pot of rice and two eggs, over medium. I sort of mix the two together and add a veggie like carrots or peas on the side, and she's in heaven. I usually use this one for a "what in the heck can I give her" day.

2. What we are having. I do this for dinner most every night unless we are having something really spicy, and even then, she wants to try a little of the spicy thing too.

3. Cheese quesadillas. Man, does she love these. You can add things like soft broccoli or spinach to them, too, or give a fruit and veggie on the side. I use mild cheddar between two buttered flour tortillas. Cook like you would a toasted cheese sandwich and offer mild salsa and sour cream on the side.

4. Mac 'N' cheese goes without saying, I'm sure. We use the Annie's brand since it's organic and doesn't contain all the artificial colorings Kraft does. She likes this with peas. By the way, Costco sells these giant bags of frozen early peas that are really yummy. It's all I buy anymore.

5. Spaghetti. I use the high protein angel hair pasta and pureed tomatoes I get from the whole foods market in a tall jar. I sautee some garlic in olive oil, add some Italian spices and some of the tomato sauce, and heat. She likes broccoli with this.

Snacks include rice cakes in all flavors, baby mum mums, graham crackers, Safeway organic veggie crackers, cheese of all kinds, veggies and ranch dressing to dip (mostly peeled cucumber and zucchini sticks since they are soft), fruit of all kinds, and buttered toast. She has also just started being able to handle granola bars a little, but she can eat only about a third of one.

For breakfast, I think she would eat Cheerios and yogurt until the end of time, so while I mix it up a little, and we go out for breakfast on weekends, I rely on the old cereal/yokids combo most mornings! I think it's a good nutritional combination.

If you have exhausted all of these ideas, you could try Seinfeld's book. I hear it has a lot of good recipes that are not just for picky eaters. I know how it feels to want to add to what you are giving him!

Grilled cheese is a standard favorite here... but we skip the butter. Toast the bread then microwave the cheese slice on the toast for about 15 seconds. I often add broccoli or spinach to the sandwich. The cheese always makes the veggies appetizing. Similarly, I make pizzas with whole wheat tortillas, spinach and cheese.

I make tuna mac and cheese with whole wheat pasta. (Don't use the boxed mac and cheese, make it the old fashioned way.) Stay away from albacore... more mercury in there.

Puree veggies and put them into the foods. You can do this with some baked goods using sweet potato or black beans. Otherwise, veggies puree can be dropped into any sauce and pasta.

Fruit is great finger foods for snacks...add a little yogurt and your toddler will be thrilled. Might be messy but healthy and fun. Teddy grahams and goldfish are good too, but mixed together is better that way he doesn't get old with just one. Good luck!

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